London is more, than just a fashion capital. Concentration of young talents and fresh ideas simply goes through the roof, that was always the case. The capital of foggy Albion presented many bright and memorable names to the world in the past and continues presenting this during every fashion season. The Azerbaijan designer in London has a proud sounds and it is very sounding. Today NARGIS wishes to acquainting you closer with Gunel Hasanova, whois a founder and a creative director of the Hasanova brand. Hence Gunel will run her personal fashion blog on our site, describing to our readers last trends in the world of the fashion, interesting events and outstanding personalities
Gunel, let us start from family and home. What are your parents at?
My mother is a doctor, my father is an engineer and my older brother, who at the same time, my best friend, lives in London and has a tech start-up called Swift Gift.
According to my mom, as a baby I was a very quite one almost too mature and thoughtful for my age. I used to draw for hours without
Later in my teenage years I became one of the most active kids at school (Heyder Aliyev adina Muasir Tehsil Kompleksi) excelling not only at my grades but being the editor in chief of school newspaper, speaker at school’s parliamentary, captain of my class’ girls volleyball team, winner of school’s music talent show, acting almost at every school play and the list goes on. I was also the captain of our school’s very first girls’ football team – I still remember my first goal that was a head kick.
How much did they influence on your path of life and your personality formation?
I have vivid memories of my mother, who woke up at 6 am to prepare our breakfast, our school uniforms, iron my father’s shirt and only in the end dress up herself. In order to be able to do all this she always prepared her own clothes the night before, which is a habit that I’ve acquired. I recall the evenings, when I observed her picking outfit, shoes, bags and accessories. She always consulted with me and asked my opinion. That was point of our personal amazing game, mystery and I liked much to spend time with her. I seem, thus foundation of my love of fashion was laid.
Besides, after marriage and delivery of a child, my mother didn’t give up her path, her career. My father fully supported her, they managed to balance between family and work. I think, I’ve learned a lot of valuable moral lessons, growing in this environment.
Being originally from Garabakh, my father grew up in such environment, where nature and history was appreciated. He is a collector of antique items and loves gardening. His room looks like a museum.
It appears that your love of art and fashion, your steadfastness of purpose stems from condition in family and education, equipped by your parents?
Looking back now, I have no doubt in my mind that I was the perfect reflection of my parents – my mother’s forward-thinking and active nature combined with my father’s strength and support. I always looked up to both of them.
What kind of a child were you?
According to my mom, as a baby I was a very quite one almost too mature and thoughtful for my age. I used to draw for hours tirelessly.
Later, during my teenage years I became one of the most active kids at school (Heyder Aliyev adina Muasir Tehsil Kompleksi) excelling not only at my grades but being the editor in chief of school newspaper, speaker at school’s parliamentary, captain of my class’ girls volleyball team, winner of school’s music talent show, acting almost at every school play and the list goes on. I was also the captain of our school’s very first girls’ football team – I still remember my first goal that was a head kick.
How did you arrive to idea on continuation of your study in London?
I was born in Baku and lived there until the age of 19. After finishing school, I knew I wanted to do more. Although I got accepted to Azerbaijan Art Academy, having travelled and studied abroad before, I knew I could reach my full potential in a fashion capital like London. So after a year in AAA, I applied and got accepted to Kingston University and started my bachelors in fashion design. After finishing my bachelors, I got accepted to fashion business management course at University of Westminster. Right after my graduation I launched my women’s wear brand HASANOVA, which for the time of its existence was demonstrated in Saatchi Gallery, London.
What does it mean for you to represent Azerbaijani fashion view in London?
Certainly, I am proud of this and will try with dignity to represent Azerbaijani women. Namely, we represent the nation which was first to grant its women voting right before USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany women started using this right.
What inspires you?
Above all I represent and draw courage from the strong, feminine and caring women I grew up with in my small city called Baku.
What is your view on modern fashion?
For the last decade fashion industry grew tremendously – combining technology, innovation and human rights. It is no longer just catwalk shows for tracing latest trends. Today’s fashion is about empowering people, pushing society to a better future, supporting innovation.
What do you want to tell and show to NARGIS readers?
I will try to do my part in rampant development of international fashion and to bring all of this to our Azerbaijani readers. Hoping to start discussing with them and encourage our women to move forward in all life areas, for achievements and innovations through beauty and strength of fashion.